Happy New Year!
So, Luxembourg was an experience to say the least! After driving 13 hours we rocked up to find quite a busy show! As normal, Euro shows are always a weird/funny mixture of people. I also forgot that people can smoke in bars in Europe and in Europe EVERYONE smokes, so you end up smelling really bad and have sore eyes. We played with our friends in New Morality and Cornered and a few other bands. We watched a goat sucking on a womans boob on some crazy tv show in the bar and paid 2 Euros for half a pint. About halfway through the show one of the local mentalists (who we named "Mosh King") got progressivly more drunk and at one point knocked over the Vegan stand. Queue a huge fight kicking off between one of the guys on the stand and Mosh King. The fight spilt out onto the street and Mosh King stumbled about across the road dodging oncoming traffic and at one point kissing them (dont ask!). He eventually left with his girlfriend and walked off into the distance (not wearing a top, it was snowing and about -10. He also wore a motorcycle helmet on the top of his head, but didnt have a motorbike). After the fight most people left and we played to a few people and managed to sell 1 whole CD! After the show, our place to stay fell through so had to be snuck into the promoters parents house. We werent allowed to talk or even use the toilet.
Enjoy the pictures of our friend, MOSH KING!!!!

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